Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I wake up to a day of questions. All that I have known to be true, I begin to doubt because the answers I give myself don't fit perfectly. When things don't fall in place, it annoys me. I hate moments when my scales are disturbed and I lose my balance. It has been happening a lot of late. The only things that make sense to me are my folks and a bunch of friends. And music. It's strange that a couple of notes make me breathe again.

I don't want to be the cause of someone else's state of irritation and anger. If I can't make them smile or give them something to laugh about, why be there at all? Maybe I do recognise my lessons when they hit me in the face. It may not be the best practice to follow but I know I will look out for myself. If I don't, no one else will. I know I'm too wise to be fooled again. Like Coach says, some things find a place in the "Indifference folder". There is no reason for my life to be threaded with other elements.

Phew! That feels good!

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