Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The whole of last week has been crazy! Things moved so fast that I was on the verge of burning out. Thankfully my support system arrived on time and saved me from any irreversible damage. I still feel as normal/weird as normal/weird can be :)

I have always been brutally honest with myself and with people who mean something to me. I don't know any other way. Most parts of last year I had this constant worry that I had forgotten how to manage relationships and was becoming a self centred bum. By the end of the year, everything fell into place and it was just perfect! In fact I'm out to better a certain friendship that I was running away from. Yay! I used all of last week to catch up on some Me Time and I am amazed at how much I've learned about... ummm.. me! At no point did I fake how I felt and that's nice. Anyway, on new year's someone told me that I strike him as genuine ;) *blush* After all the rubbish I've been listening to, I'm glad it comes across that way.

If I have been honest and expressive about the flip floppiness generated, it's only fair that I see other side without being prejudiced. People will get their comeuppances without me wishing for it. That's what is beautiful about life. It's a complete circle. I probably learned it the hard way but at least it is a lesson that I draw strength from. DB (bless that girl's soul!) and I often wonder why some people enter our lives at all. Only those who want to stay should be given a key. Well DB, here's what I think. We get to learn from their experiences and sometimes we realise that we're extremely lucky to not be born as them. When I was 7,there were days that I felt like asking my mom why she always told me that the world is good, people are good. It seemed like everyone out there was only trying to screw you and you were the bumbling idiot who tried to maintain a difference and exhibit maturity well beyond your years. Looking back, I can't thank her enough for drilling it into my head. Be kind... for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle. It's something I want to pass down to the next generation.

Speaking of that, I have two things to say. Firstly, I believe that mothers come with in built radars. They just always know!! Don't ask me how, why.. they just do!!! Last night, when I sat down to tell my mom everything that was eating me up from the inside, all she said was: I knew it! Annoyingly amusing. And it kicks me to no end that someday my radar will be activated too. When it gets activated, coming to my second thought, I know who I'd pick as a godfather (nope, not the Don Vito Corleone kind). This one is just nice, mad and wise. Talk about long term planning. Let's see how long it lasts. Sometimes I wish I could jump into the future and see where I'd be 5 years from now; where would my girls be. Each one of them is simply gorgeous! Am I fortunate or what to have a support system like that!

It's funny how an event happening across the globe could have such a deep impact on you. I watched Obama's inaugural ceremony last night. I love the man. I don't know about you but I sure felt like history was being created and I was a part of it. And ultimately, how trivial everything seemed in the big picture. I know exactly where I am heading and for the first time in three months, I understand what passion means. As a victim of the age of consumerism, I have to say - I'm loving it!! :)

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