Tuesday, March 10, 2009


*Melt*.... I wish I knew how you did it with such class. I hate that laugh!

Awwwwww... No, I actually like it a lot. Just that I hate how it dissolves my anger.

I still have to climb the water tank with you. And the goodies need to be delivered before I leave. Doofus!

Stop reading my mind. Stop being nice to me. OK, don't stop. I like the spontaneity and the Awwws that I generate.

Doofus moment again - Remember, you pinch a person's CHEEKS. I'll spell it out again: C-H-E-E-K-S!

Soft little ones as compared to impulsive loud ones? Thump on your head.

5 years works for me 'coz whatever the end might be, I'll still win :)... and hopefully by then I would have figured it all out.

Momo stealer. Me, not you. I can eat almost as much as you can.

DB, please don't go! Bangalore's not going to be as much fun now that its best person is leaving. *Sniff*

I'm better looking and I'd like to believe I'm smarter and much nicer! Agi, Db - Stop laughing.

Ro, your story just might come true!

Let every birthday be a celebration. Let everyday be an occasion :)

My hands are photogenic.

2 months down the line and I couldn't be happier.

Mom, Dad - pretty much the light of my life! :)

Struck the "meow" off my list long back.. that poor guy on the cycle must be still tottering :P

I can't help feeling nice and wicked at the same time. I want it to work with all my heart yet I know where the roundabout ends... horrid I am! But the sweet kind of horrid :)

Vegetarianism? Let's see.

The system, at some point of time will require, love, alcohol and good cakes. Till then I shall get by with a little help from my friends, get high with a little help from my friends. And they do a darn good job of making me smile :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Explain all of this.. it doesn't make sense. ;-)