Wednesday, October 1, 2008

M for The Favourite-st

When I was 12 and wanted a pajama party every weekend, She said "Familiarity breeds contempt."
I threw a fit and refused to talk to her for days.

When I refused to eat what she made and craved for junk food, She said "When you move out, this is what you'll miss the most."
I shared my food with Lyks.

When I told her about my object of affection, She said "Don't go overboard."
I smirked and thought to myself, "You obviously haven't felt like this ever."

When my best friend walked out of my life, She said "There are some characteristics every individual inherits from his/her family. It isn't good nor is it bad. Accept it and move on."
I was too teary eyed to pay attention to what she really meant.

When I told her about my first job, She said "I would have been more excited if it was an admission letter to one of your dream schools. I just hope you know what you're doing."
I vowed to never share any of my happy times with her.


My pajama party friends and I are not in touch anymore. We saw the threads loosening in school itself.

The time that I stayed by myself, all that I wanted was a home cooked meal.

The object of affection and I split ways pretty soon and I knew that there were some things I would never ever repeat.

I can barely manage any relationship that exists in my life and it's accepted.

I quit my job to get back to studying... at one of my dream schools... and I have never been this satisfied with life.

It amazes me how She knew everything. Experience perhaps?

But when I was unsure about my future and didn't know which path to take, She said "In a country that wants more engineers and doctors and that's all that surrounds you, find the courage to follow your heart. I will stand by you."
I listened...and I don't regret it one bit!

When I told her about all my goals and dreams, She said nothing and patiently heard heard me out.
I felt like someone finally understood me; that I am capable of achieving a lot.

She is truly the wind beneath my wings.

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