Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Why does music sound more soothing in the dark? Why are some friendships so screwed up that no matter how many times I try, it doesn't help and I just have to push every memory aside and move on? Why do some of my closest friends have to live in a different continent? Why do I wish for a dead pet to come back to life.. even if it's for a couple of hours? Why do some people infuriate me one moment and make me feel like melted chocolate in the next? Why do I get upset when certain people smoke? Why do I find it so difficult to stand in front of a camera? Why can't I control my tongue, my temper and learn to be diplomatic? Why do I get bored of things within a few minutes, hours, days? Why can't I compromise? Why do I get so excited about little things and then feel low when someone bursts my bubble? Why can't I think more critically than analytically? Why don't my tears flow when I really want them to but flood the place when it isn't necessary? Why do I dream? Why do I fear relationships with a romantic angle? Why is it weird that I read the Thesaurus like a novel? that I love stationery? Why can't I compliment people more often or better still, learn to accept one graciously? Why am I mathematically challenged? Why do I like white more than yellow, choose silver over gold, prefer baking to cooking? Why can't I stay emotionally dead? Why do I enjoy spending time by myself? Why was I born at all?

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