Friday, August 22, 2008

Feelin' Groovy

There are some people in this world who make an effort to get to know the 'real' you. They remember little things that you say, make you smile for no reason, threaten to pulverize you, know when to be serious and you can rest assured that irrespective of all the fights, fun and mood swings that you go through (with or without them), you are not going to be judged. Then there are the Mini-mommies - They welcome you with a meal made with loads of love, give you advice at the drop of a hat, care enough to yell at you when you're being stupid, allow you to whine about everything under the sun, make it easy for you to forgive yourself, give you adorable nicknames, try to see the lighter side of everything, stop your tears and console you behind AC ducts or the stairs and you know that everything you say will stay within the family. Being the mischievous brat that you are, you need your partners in crime. So you end up with people who are willing to spy.. Even if it means hiding behind bushes at some weird time of the day, star in your first (and perhaps only) dance video, help you find unlocked computers, play pranks on others (including their own girlfriends), agree to write miserable love letters as a joke, place rotten tomatoes in somebody's batting arrangement, dance on buses, on the road or even in some strange eating joint and laugh with you for all the stunts you pull together. Oh and yes, there are the Music lovers - They love music so much that they're willing to write a song for you/with you, lend their voice for the most annoying, mind numbing stuff you've ever heard (But pat on our backs, we actually remember the lyrics)and are willing to share a tune with you anytime, any place. Then you have the we-share-so-much-in-common kind. They make fabulous conversation, get you to think, help you grow and make you feel that you're as weird/normal as weird/normal can be. Overall, these people, in their own li'l ways, teach you something.

Do you secretly wish that you had some of the qualities any (or all) of these people possessed? Maybe, maybe not. But would you like to recreate the feeling of "awwwww! I am so cared for" for someone else? Most definitely!

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