Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Haldi and Milk. Ah.. Heaven unfolds!

With or Without You by U2. I'm still trying to figure out why the song got bumped off my play list. Strange.

The art of making round rotis and fooling around with atta.

The fun in playing "Fetch" with the brats. Now if you're a dog owner/lover you'll understand how satisfying it is.

A hot water bath. For someone who can't get herself to bathe more than once a day, I find excuses to prolong the event when the water is bubbling with heat. It works for me 'coz it's soothing and I get to sing a longer song in the shower.

The smell of cookies in the oven. Something tells me the aroma will return this weekend :)

My moods. In a day I cover happy, crabby, excited, indifferent, miserable, angelic, wicked, playful, bored, irascible... all of it!

My half empty wardrobe. MOMMY......Guess what time it is??

Midnight conversations. It's all in the Family. :)

The frustration load shedding brings along with it! Aaargh!!

That I still don't have a secret.

The taste that lies in a cheese omelette. Mouth watering!

Old world charm. One of my friends took utmost care to see that his date had a wonderful time tonight. There were flowers, chocolates, conversation et al.

Erma Bombeck. Gosh, she made me roll with laughter this evening.

That the life I lead right now maybe boring, mundane, bereft of adventure but it's still the only one I'd want to have. I'm just thankful that I have one. As long as there's sunshine, music, chocolate, stationery, smiles and love, all's well in my world. :)

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