Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Heh! :)

Last night I submitted an assignment 10 minutes before the deadline and took a deep breath. My record's still untarnished. This might sound very "high school" but I have never delayed a submission in my life... and I intend to keep it that way. It makes me feel like I have some sense of discipline (even if it's just a wee bit). Well, after I logged out, I had this huge smile on my face. It didn't matter that I still had one assignment, a review exercise and two term papers to go. All I knew was that Tuesday was going to be my day off. I had no plans of touching my books and was going to spend the next 24 hours just doing my own stuff. It started with two drunk friends calling me up. Were they high or what? :) They had a number of stories to share and I couldn't stop laughing. We sang these old advertisement jingles (Yes, the ones people of my age have grown up listening to.. Vicco turmeric nahi cosmetic, washing powder Nirma...) and I had to repeat my address and all my answers to their questions a couple of times. Then the "Miss you"s and "When are you coming to meet us?" began. They say that the truth often comes out when you're high but regardless of all the gyaan given by the mysterious, elusive “They”, this was genuine. It felt really nice that the madness is still remembered. Or that I am still remembered. Thank you, Nishu and Varun. You guys gave my lovely day the perfect beginning.

I woke up late and sat in front of the TV. Now, I hate the idiot box and unless I have ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do, I avoid Mr. Baird's invention like the plague. You guessed right. I had nothing else to do. Actually, I didn’t want to do anything else. I wanted to suspend reality for a while. So... I watched a few movies back to back. The first one on the list was To Kill A Mocking Bird. I love the book and I’m glad the movie lives up to it. Atticus Finch, you’re my all time favourite onscreen hero! (Um.. when it comes to books, there is a tie between Phileas Fogg and you) A lot of Scout’s childhood reminds me of my own. Hmmm... Then I watched Malice starring Nicole Kidman and Alec Baldwin. Quite a decent movie. A nap and half of Madeline followed and before I handed over the remote to my grandmom, I watched School of Rock. There are some movies that I will never get sick of and School of Rock is one o’ them.

What strikes me is that today hasn’t been exceptionally fantabulous or filled with the most exciting things ever but I achieved what I set out to do – Unwind. I’ve been stuck with assignments and readings for almost a month and trust me; I’ve been at my capricious best! Apart from a million non academic thoughts on my mind, I’ve been oscillating between my extreme moods and just wanted time by myself. The day’s been lazy, laid back and ‘un-communicative’. I didn’t feel the need to reach out to anybody and stayed away from SMS; I cared two hoots about the worries of the world. Even the food I ate wasn’t an issue. Being a part of the silly games the brats play only added more joy. The funny thing is that all these days I’ve been advising a friend on how he should take a break from work and get back to being his fun self. Ha! Didn’t notice myself now, did I? But yeah, I can feel the stress knots loosening up. There isn’t a thing that I would want to change about today. What tomorrow holds, I don’t know. Right now I plan to grab leo and watch the rain from my favourite place in the house. Somebody’s getting her life back...:)


Krithika said...

:) Nice blog..

Krithika said...
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The Purple Bicycle said...

Thank you Krithika :)