Monday, December 7, 2009

That Loving Feeling

Because I respect deadlines again

Because Christmas is round the corner and handmade gifts are on their way

Because Mommy stuffs me with awesome food all the time

Because Elvis Presley makes me swoon

Because I'm getting a new study table

Because I'm going to hear some remarkable people speak and get paid for it

Because all of them are angels - In disguise or otherwise

Because I'm going to be travelling a little

Because I am a book happy person

Because the arty stuff still makes me jump with joy

Because Squish is in town, Drummer Boy's coming and I wish Teddy makes it too

Because the future does not scare me anymore

Because they're still furry enough to cuddle and sleep

Because the Calvin and Hobbes collection seems endless

Because I am not embroiled in any controversy

Because my life is one big party!

1 comment:

Pair of brown eyes said...

And P loves being a part of this grand party all the time! :)