Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Of Conversations!

It took place on my way back home from the bus stop. My mother was very happy to see me after my holiday. We dumped the luggage in the backseat and she was driving.

Ma: So how was it? Tell me all about Goa.

Me: Oh it was fun! Ate, drank, sang.. the beach.. you know we wanted to try hash brownies but it didn't happen. Chha

Ma: Really? I don't know what's so great about them!

Me (completely zapped): Eh!! How do you know? What have you been upto?

Ma: Yeah, I thought it was rather blah.

After checking at least 8 times if I was in the car with my convent educated mother who crinkles her nose at words like sex, booze, crap, f***, ass****, I mustered the courage.

Me (still zapped): Ma, you've tried? When?

Ma: In the US. Had quite a bit there. I don't get the hype. It's potato after all!

Me: &#$^&*!@$#$^&*^%$#@@!!

After some clarification in my head

Me: Ma!!!!! you're talking about hash browns. I'm talking about hashish in brownies!

Ma: Oh I thought you were talking about hash browns.

After a moment's silence it came:

Ma: You wanted to try drugs? Are you daft? What is wrong with you? I think you've really lost your mind!!!

Me: :D :D :D


Quicksilver said...

You forgot to add:
"The older sibling told me that I was asking for trouble!" :)

Anonymous said...

This is a really funny post.. great job.. :D