Thursday, October 8, 2009

One Of Those Days...

...when the world moves in shades of grey. Dark clouds engulf silver linings. The glass is half empty. And all you want to do is fall deeper into the abyss. Roll. Tumble. Slip. Drown in the deep black hole. Disappear forever.

Does the rest of the world really care? Does anyone miss you or think about you? You become a memory that fades with time. Other people replace you. You might come up in conversation (or gossip) but beyond that, who gives a damn?

While you were around, you were apparently smarter, nicer, prettier, taller, funnier... than most other people. You were the light of almost everybody's life. Then how is it that most other people seemed happier than you could ever imagine to be? They seemed satisfied with what they had while you walked around with this feeling that kept eating you up on the inside. First your stomach, then your heart and soon devoured all of you except the bones.

Ambition. Because nothing is good enough for you. Because you enter the world with a checklist and unless everything matches, you continue to hunt. Because you have an ego so large that you can barely see, feel, think about anything but yourself. YOU.. are the centre of the universe. The others are mere mortals, lesser individuals, bane of the earth. You will show them the way..... But this "dull", "good-for-nothing", "immature", "wasted" bunch seems pleased with the way things are and doesn't want to rise above it all. And you just consume yourself... bit by bit...


There is hope.

Go marry the one you love, bring little replicas of you into the world, laugh, sing, dance, make a million bucks, drive your Mercedes into the garage of your mansion, win award after award, try your best to "succeed" in life. But it means nothing.

Because in the long run, we're all dead.


overturned blue shoe said...

hahaha...nice.i miss your madness niru!
waiting for a suitcase of your mad stories :)

Nishanth said...

Got inspired, well almost :-)
Are we drivers or passengers....?