Sunday, August 2, 2009

Where did my weekend go?

Studying Psychology, cancelled lunch plans and finally being able to give a F*** about it, drinking coffee, Onion rings, Rith, Shreyas (Bless them!), less than 30 minutes on the bench, Bookworm, Rum tart, pierced ears, tiny bicycles, pretty pretty blouse from the sale, "Rum and Chocolate", "Breaking up is hard to do", Neil Sedaka, lovely drive back home, Tair-sadam (I'm a pseudo south Indian), staying up till 3 and going over the same stories again and again, "Happy Friendships Day" messages, dust cloth, cookies, DB's, reliving school days, just feeling free....

Some days things are just right!

1 comment:

Ashwin Prabhakaran said...

d sometimes we just don't write bout em... hehe