Reading almost every word in the newspaper. Bathing the dogs. Bathing myself. Pasta, cutlets and mashed potatoes. The Lunatic Express. Afternoon nap. Blink. Redoing the room. An alarm for 6 AM.
Michaelpallya, 1st Cross. Maps and Geography. New kid on the block. Bus ride to Avenue Road. Walkity walk. 5 bottles of acrylic paint, 4 of powder paint, 3 sheets of paper, oil pastels. Bus ride back into town. Peco's. Beer - Lots of it. The happy afternoon buzz in the head. Led Zepplin. Elvis and Hysteria. Ma. Blink again. More of The Lunatic Express.
Storytelling. Awesome Barbecue lunch. Fresh air. Woofs, nips, licks, barks and wagging tails. Art. Baba.
Much appreciated. All of the above.
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